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05-04-2018 17:41

New Recommend PSU


New Recommend PSU - Part 9

"Bagi para kaskuser yang membantu memberikan bantuan saran / rekomendasi, diharapkan dapat menambahkan pada bagian bawah postingan sbb :
PERHATIAN!! Waspada terhadap pihak-pihak yang mengatasnamakan KASKUS/Moderator/Regional Leader untuk bertransaksi jual beli. "


1. Demi kenyamanan bersama tolong jangan flamming
2. No junk emoticon-Metal
4. Biasain quote pake multi quote
5. jangan OOT..sekali" boleh sih, gw juga doyan emoticon-Malu
6. gak ada senioritas disini,gak ada nubi/senior emoticon-Big Grin.. saling respect ajaemoticon-Big Grin
7. no lapak jualan, nama toko sebisa mungkin di sensor emoticon-Genits
8. konsultasi dilakukan di thread, tidak melayani konsultasi via PM, VM atau yg lainnya
9. udah itu aja emoticon-Peace

PSU = Power Supply Unit
- merubah arus tegangan listrik bolak-balik (AC), menjadi searah (DC).

- mengalirkan arus listrik ke seluruh komponen/part komputer

Disini adalah tempat buat konsultasi memilih PSU yang cocok dengan spek agan" semua emoticon-Big Grin dan saling berbagi informasi / review
di harapkan trit ini berguna

*udah itu aja pembukaannya


Cara Mengukur Rail PSU

buat yang sering nanya
Q : kok PSU aku di bios rail 12vnya drop emoticon-Frown
Q : kok rail 12v PSU eyke di hw monitor dropemoticon-Amazed
Q : kok pas test OCCT liat rail"nya anjlok gitu dech,kenapa ya emoticon-kisssing ( emoticon-Busa: )
Q : Rail gw gak kebaca emoticon-Frownemoticon-Frownemoticon-Frown
Q : om,kak,mas,liat SS deh..ada yang aneh emoticon-Frownemoticon-Frown

A : lebayemoticon-Hammer.. liat rail via sopwer gak ada yang akuratemoticon-Big Grinemoticon-Big Grin..
mao buktiemoticon-Confused:emoticon-Amazed
ada nih tutor dari bro mots emoticon-Big Grinemoticon-Big Grin
*Share* mengukur RAIL PSU Baru/Bekas by mots

Masalah Penggunaan Stiker 80+ Palsu


Fake 80+ Badge

Problem PSU

Kasus 1..
PG Signal



-ATX 24 pin
ada 2 jenis yaitu

20 pin (model lama) dan 24 pin (modern dikit)

atx 24 pin

-EPS/ATX12V 8-4 pin


-Molex / 4 pin Peripheral

- Pcie 6/8pin(6+2)

digunakan pada vga yang membutuhkan lebih dari 75 watt dari total power vganya, karena slot pci exprees hanya mampu memberikan 75 watt

macam-macam converter


macam-macam extender

di pake biasanya buat PSU yang kabelnya pendek" atau buat penggemar modding di bikin individual sleeve

Tutorial Pemasangan Konektor PSU


Computer hardware components require direct current at specific voltages in order to operate normally. However the power that comes out of wall sockets is high voltage alternating current. The power supply takes this high voltage AC power, typically either 100V to 120V or 200 to 220V and converts it to low voltage DC power, which is supplied to various hardware components. There are three main voltages the power supply unit provides to hardware as well as a +5VSB rail. These are:

* 12 volts
o The majority of modern power supplies deliver almost all of their rated capacity on this rail. This is because the GPU and CPU, the two largest power consumers in the average computer, use the 12V rail.
* 5 volts
o The 5V rail is used to power various hardware components such as USB ports, CD and DVD drives, some hard drives, and floppy drives. The 5V rail used to be a very important factor in a power supply but the 12V rail is now much more important.
* 3.3 volts
o The 3.3V rail is used to power some smaller components on a computer such as logic chips. It is usually generated by regulating down the 5V rail. This means the total rated capacity of the 3.3V rail is much higher than the actual output would be if the 5V was being used.


dari UL code kita bisa ngelacak data sebuah barang

*thanks to Tamu.Kaskus

Istilah-istilah dalam dunia PSU emoticon-Hammer

apaan tuh? emoticon-Amazed


Active PFC bahasa inggris yakemoticon-Peace

Power Factor Correction (PFC) allows power distribution to operate at its maximum efficiency. The preferable type of PFC is Active Power Factor Correction

(Active PFC) since it provides more efficient power frequency. Because Active PFC uses a circuit to correct power factor, Active PFC is able to generate a

theoretical power factor of over 95%. Active Power Factor Correction also markedly diminishes total harmonics, automatically corrects for AC input voltage, and

is capable of a full range of input voltage. Since Active PFC is the more complex method of Power Factor Correction, it is more expensive to produce an Active PFC power supply.

New Recommend PSU - Part 9
adalah sebuah organisasi yang menguji tingkat efisiensi sebuah power supply
mereka melakukan test pada 115v @ 20% load, 50% load dan 100% load
efisiensi PSU di bagi menjadi beberapa tingkatan( 80+ biasa, bronze, silver, gold)
site : [url][/url]
List PSU yang terdapat situs [url][/url] tidak sepenuhnya PSU yang bagus,, melainkan PSU yang efisiensinya bagus tanpa melihat kekurangan-kekurangan lainnya. Jadi ada baiknya harus teliti dan belum tentu PSU yang terdapat disana sempurna seperti sertifikatnya
emoticon-shakehand*baca review tambahan


SLI/CF ready

ATI CrossFireX™ is a technology developed by ATI that allows multiple graphics cards to work together in a single computer system. This enables faster graphics performance than what is possible with a single card. ATI CrossFireX™ Ready means this product supports CF technology.

SLI stands for "Scalable Link Interface." SLI is a technology developed by NVIDIA that allows multiple graphics cards to work together in a single computer system. This enables faster graphics performance than what is possible with a single card. SLI Ready means this product supports SLI technology.

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New Recommend PSU - Part 9
11-11-2020 10:11
Ryzen 5 5600x
Mobo b550m bazooka
Komponen lainnya ya standar lah
Kira2 pakai psu super flower leadex III 650w cukup ngak gan? Atau ada psu yg budgetnya segitu tapi di cari ngak goib?
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14-11-2020 08:34
Oh iya gan spec ane di atas narikkan kalau ambil sf gold yg 550w?
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